Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is it a pumpkin plant?

Our yard was all dirt and now it's mostly grass, but we have a big patio, too. I like playing in our yard.

We don't know how we got a pumpkin plant it our backyard. Well, we think that's what it is. I think that I planted a (pumpkin) seed a long time ago, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to remember... Think, think, think. I forgot all about it and even forgot to water it. (giggle)

This is what it looks like.

Dad doesn't want us to get our hopes up, but Mommy is pretty sure we'll have pumpkins soon.

Do you think it's a pumpkin plant?


Jaime Tyler

I bet you'll have pumpkins in no time! If you grow enough, we won't have to buy our pumpkins from the farm, we can just get them from you! :)

Its fun to read your blog and see what silly things you are up to.


Dearest Julia,
Mimi is here with Great Grandma, Aunt Sara, Alex and me, Great Aunt Liz. We are so excited about your blog and our votes for the plant is (Drum Roll, Please!)
Great Grandma says Pumpkin
Mimi says Melon
Aunt Sara says she has no idea, Alex agrees with his mom
And Great Aunt Liz says A gift from God!
Mimi wants to know, "Will you be having a contest?"
Can we vote and what can we win?

The Runner Bunch

Yay for Julia. We can't wait to hear all the fun things you have to say! You'll have to keep us updated on the pumpkin plant and show us how it grows!


I think the plant is a melogourdvegetable plant of some sort. In fact, I am 95.67% sure of it. I think you will get purple fruitveggies on it.

I think you should make a garden over there and grow more fruitveggies before it gets mountain-cold and kills off all the plants (that's like anything below 60 degrees F).

Faith says "Hi!" And "Did you find my blue slippers?"

Nice to meet you, my name is Speed Bumpie

Looks like a pumpkin plant to me. Looking forward to regular updates on its progress.

Congratulations on your own blog!

Ms. Anita

It looks like a pumpkin plant to me. With two blooms, it'll probably have two pumpkins! :)

"Miss" Anita (aka HSB Suzanne)

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